Alice In Tanzania

This Blog is a diary of my trip to Tanzania where i will be teaching English to children, oh what a pure and golden soul I have O:) x

Friday, January 20, 2006

Alice In Tanzania

Hi everyone! Actual thanks from me 2 adie 4 setting this up 4 me....despite the fact that he spelt my name wrong!....its cool adie, we cant all be perfect like me! :P im just gettin used 2 this whole thing now so if i keep posting really crappy posts thats cos i dont know how 2 do it yet! xxxxxx


Thanks to my good friend Adie for setting up my lovely blog, he is such a good friend, what a guy!

2 Weeks to go!!!!!!!!

I dont want to go!! I dont want to leave Jonney or my bed behind, actually i dont care about Jonney, I just cant live without my bed!!!!! Sleep is all I really care about, oh and my cat, but sleep comes first.